What's up, gangsters.
HAVIN A BIG OL' ART SHOW. I'm actually so psyched for this one, because I think strangers may actually show up. It's going to be outside, behind my house, in the parking lotty type thing. There will be bands and musical types [still yet to be determined/confirmed who] playing throughout the night, and then I'll leave that stage area open with a mic and a PA for whoever wants to assault our ears. Acoustic open mic night at Timothy's style. YOU KNEW THEY'D NEVER DIE. And you were right. They were just relocated. And will continue to relocate.
Anyways, guys, shut up about the music, okay? Let's get back to the arty business of this shindig. So like, yea. I'm painting like a fucking lunatic and I anticipate getting no sleep for the rest of August.
OH. RIGHT. I'm going to the Ottawa School of Art in September. That's what this whole art shit show is about. I need to get money. The school sounds so wonderful and is actually really affordable, considering the tuition of other art schools, or like..going to fucking university for art, but I'm still pretty poor.
And I'm going to have to still work full-time while going to school, so this means I will have no life and likely never sleep again. But I'm so stoked for it. ANYWAY. Yea. JESUS man..I have had wayyy too much coffee to be posting right now.
IN ANY CASE. If you see this, and you're not a murderer, you need to swing by 871 Somerset and go to the back and check this out on the 28th of August, which is a Saturday, at 8pm, where I will be tipping cheap wine down your gullets. Yea, you like it.