I drew this today at work. This is my roommate, she rules so hard.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
No. 19

this is just me looking filthy. there ya go.

This is dedication.
This is the tail end of a trip to the Heart and Crap on Preston with an old friend.
This is also the tail end of four pints of Keiths. I think.
I drew this at work today.
I think this looks better in rill laife?
I was hearing Neutral Milk while I drew this.
Why aren't my fries ready yet. There should be a special fries-cooking oven dedicated to speed-cooking fries.
Made specially for me. That is what I wish for in this world.
this is just me looking filthy. there ya go.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
No. 18
I'm dying.

I'm supposed to be drawing that Three Graces assignment but I can't think of anything I've wanted to do less in my life. Giant piece of paper that I have to hover over my bed to draw on? Pencil crayons that won't erase? Architecture? ALL MY FAVOURITE THINGS. Eugh.
I stayed home from work today because I feel like a mesh sack of dog shit. I hate missing out on work, especially when it's at Five Cents, but I guess this is giving me time to do my stupid homework.
I have my drawing critique tomorrow. I hate presenting. I hate explaining where I'm shitty and where I'm okay at drawing. I don't frigging know, that is your job to tell me. Anyway, I'm cranky because my ruler isn't long enough to draw this staircase.
I just want to eat salt and vinegar chips and popsicles and watch Top Model all night.
Instead, here's a hideous painting I did in like 2006. I normally hate going back through my folders and finding old stuff I've done, but this one was too funny and I had to post it. I ended up leaving this outside my house on the street.
Oh, I got tattooed yesterday too. It looks rad; Joel did it. I'll post pictures later when I don't have pop-eye arms. Anyways, goodbye forever, wish that my critique goes alright.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
No. 18
I had my painting critique yesterday morning. It went way better than I'd expected. I forgot to do two of the projects, but I brought in a shitload of other paintings I'd done on my own time. The teacher wasn't pissed about the two projects not having been done. She said a lot of nice things, really specific things that I was surprised to hear from her. She liked the ones I thought she was going to hate, like the naked conehead. She also seemed to read into a lot of the paintings I did on my own time, either way more than I thought she would, or way more than I realized I'd put into them. It was really weird. I'm always under the impression that no one's really getting what I'm talking about in most of my paintings, but I guess sometimes a few of the messages come across.
Which is weird in itself, because I don't ever really start a painting with the intention of it being about one specific thing, or having it say something. I kind of just do and then I figure out what I meant later. I don't know if that's right, or normal. But whatever, it gets done, and I guess that's the important part.
I feel really introspective and lame right now, but I'm getting a cold again and I just had some Advil Cold and Sinus or something and I feel all weird. I feel like my sentences aren't making sense but we're blasting music here and also there's a very deep conversation happening behind me between the guy getting tattooed and one of my bosses. I think it's leaking into this post, sorry.
I'm getting tattooed again on Tuesday. Really stoked. Joel's doing it. Big ol gramophone on my arm. It's going to kind of bleed into my half sleeve that Julian did and the Epilogue bird on my wrist.
Then I'm getting a big ol birdy guy on my other arm that Julian's gonna do. I'm excited about that one a lot, because it really means a lot to me and I've been wanting to get something done with this theme for a while. Really hope my mum and dad like it.
Okay it's too rainy and grey and mopey outside and I sound like a big luggish turd [dunno].
OH MAN. Sorry. Someone just pocket dialed the shop and I answered and I just heard a really cute and grossly sweet goodbye between a couple. Aw.
Okay, I'm going to watch Tommy Wiseau be awesome tonight. All be jealous.
This wasn't really art-related, sorry. I'm just procrastinating.
Gonna go draw Kathy Roussel a bird.
Hope everyone's well. x
Thursday, April 14, 2011
No. 17
I'm just posting to inform any and everyone that I am now dead inside.
I love my colour theory teacher. I love that class, I really do.
But holy shit. This is what I spent the last two hours doing:
I actually want to die now. It wasn't mentally taxing or anything, but jesus christ I hate using little scissors and glue sticks. What kind of sick torture is this? Who assigns something like this! Sadistic lunatic! We had to do a self-portrait collage in complementary colours and their graduated mixtures. Sure hope flesh tone is a graduated mixture of orange and blue. Christ almighty.
I'm supposed to be drawing an updated version of the three graces right now. I didn't like our model. I made two of the graces mannequins, and the third a shopgirl dressing them. I don't even care how lame it is. I think I'll just make the mannequins have awesome fabulous hair to spice it up. Not that I'm actually capable of drawing hair. Where's Jodi when you need her.
In any case, my whole body is dead from sitting here hunched over pieces of magazine paper for so long, so I'm going to wake up at 5 and do the stupid drawing and then hand it in.
Painting critique is on Friday. I'm totally done all my paintings too.
Yea, no.
Anyway, I drew these lovely ladies at work today:
Top right is Virginia Woolf. Top left is that girl there from Little Scream. Just heard her last night, I like her voice.
Bottom left is Liz McGrath with a weirdly stretched out head. And bottom right is some girl in a Hurley ad or something. She ended up looking more like Jessica Biel than I'd meant her to.
I sleep now.
Also, all of you need to watch The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra. My dad and I bought it for 2$ one time. It was the best investment ever. Fuck that movie is great. Way too long, but the first bit. Oh man.
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