I have three hours before I have to go to work. I could shower and clean up my room, or I could update this thing and paint some more.
I'm going with option number two. Ha, number two. Like poo.
It's really rainy and gross and pathetic and kind of November outside right now, so I thought I'd post some photos of my cozy workspace. And by workspace, I mean bedroom. I'm inviting you all into my bedroom. Such a hussy.
All of these tapes either came from my dad, or the side of the road. That speaker is fake wood panelled. The airplane came from a corner store in the dirty south. On McCarthy, I believe. There used to be an old dude called Aziz who ran that place, he was wonderful.
Scary manhands.
HATE HATE HATE charcoal.
Acrylic and charcoal. Big weird cut up piece of wood. This really does look better in real life, I swear. I used like a hundred seventy three different colours in it, I swear.
Stupid still life for school. Graphite. This isn't crooked in real life, I just have wobbly camera-holding hands.
I like that the reference photo I used to draw the lamb was some religious-y Jesus photo.
Hands and stuff. Practicing.
This one really does look better in real life, save her being disproportionate, and also that skull not making sense. No reference photos for skulls=stupid idea. It says 'Charmicarmicarmicat Shines to Death'. Lot of Isis at work.
Joel Conroy did this. It's not finished yet, and this is kind of a crap photo, sorry. It's a wicked gramophone though. One day I'll get a decent photo of it.
Julian Garner did this one. Also not finished.
Off to Centretown hell. Come get a coffee if you are reading this, live around downtown ottawa, and it's not past 9pm. If it's past nine and you come in, I'm only going to make you a tea, asshole.