Tuesday, July 19, 2011

No. 25

Hello, here are some things for you. I just ate ramen and a whole pack of cherries. I feel high class.
I've gotta paint soon. I feel sad about not having painted in a while.
I have to go to work at Second Cup in a minute. Guaranteed I find a crackhead in the bathroom at least twice tonight. My roommate and I are apartment hunting. It's hell. I'm going to be living off dustbunnies during the school year. Why are two bedroom apartments so goddamned expensive in Ottawa. Stupid. Errr. I played at Bluesfest on Sunday with Philly Moves. I didn't die under the collapsed stage. Pretty sure we saw Joe Satriani/Voldemort at Babylon after though. I'm positive it was him.

That's all that's new with me right now. I have to go to work now. I feel like a grouchy asshole, probably because I am one. Come on, things. Get awesome.


My friend Sarah.



Friday, July 8, 2011

No. 24

Also I got a bike and it's awesome.

Also, despite all my grouchy moaning, I'm actually the luckiest bastard in the world. I just want some more fries is all.

No. 23

I'm not dead.

Here's some stuff.

Queen of the harpies.
It was my brother's birthday. My brother is 1000000000x better than yours.

I accidentally stole this body idea from a herakut drawing. I really didn't mean to. Sorry Herakut.

This is for this dude Aaron's skate company, Antique.

I'm building my website finally. I'm so fucking busy. No day off in sight.

I miss school. I wish I was in Circa Survive. I wish Julie Christmas would record my album.

I wish I had a tattoo machine already.

I wish I had time to paint. I wish I had a pizza right here and that pizza was free. I wish my parents didn't live an hour away. They rule.

I haven't had time to paint anything in ages, it makes me anxious and grumbly.