Tuesday, February 1, 2011

And I did a little bit, and that's because they make me use charcoal sometimes at school. And that goddamned screechy sound, like a bunch of seagulls burning alive, KILLS ME.

Anyway, I'm not actually dead, I just kind of forgot about this place. I'm getting my brother make me a real website, but I keep procrastinating on sending him the necessary shit to build it. I would kill for a pizza right now. I'm not even remotely hungry.

Err, uhh, ahhhhhm.
So I've been drawing like a fucker. I got a job at the tattoo shop where my sleeve was done. It's basically the best thing in the entire world, and I feel so guilty for having that job when everyone else I know has shit jobs. I really do feel bad, because I'm honestly so lucky to have gotten it. I get to draw all day long. Around retardedly amazing artists who tell me when things look fucked up so that I can try to fix them. It's like being in school, except way better because we listen to better music and attractive people come and go all day. And I like my boss's art, ..like more than anything.. which is more than I can say about my teachers' work, none of which I've even seen before.

I'm having trouble with the king's english.
I'm so tired. Scribbledeebop.
Um. So I may not post on here again. This is a tentative goodbye post. I'm hoping to get off my ass and send my brother the stuff he needs so I can get my real site up and going and then I can ramble some more.

BUT FOR THE MEAN TIME. Things that are important: I am learning a lot a lot. It's all really frustating but also awesome and enlightening and I really hope I'm getting better and I just can't see it yet. School's going well. I have straight A's. It's nice. Err. Uhh. I draw bigger now. I paint bigger too. Um.

I DONT KNOW I'm going to sleep.


1 comment:

  1. SO if you make yourself a nifty website you must give me a link to it so I can stalk your art.

    (This is Kim. From painting)
