Tuesday, March 29, 2011

No. 17

Oh herro. So I didn't draw any little retard bodies. I forget what I even drarrred that day anyway. I'm having difficulty typing tonight, I keep having typos, but I'm just replacing words with other real words. For example, in that last sentence, I had 'tamp', 'replacements', and 'worlds'. I am beyond exhausted. Serving coffee in centretown is straight up destroying my faith in human beings. Everyone's just so shitty, it's unbelievable. Also what's with sketchy homeless crackheads coming in to steal our sugar packets? Is that some kind of weird drug thing that I don't know about? Anyone want to enlighten me on that? Anyway. I went to this thing at the Mercury Lounge the other night. There were models all dressed up in the theme of Grimm's fairy tales. It was really neat. There were all these rows of chairs set up and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who was getting beers, but oh well. A whole bunch of people from class, and my boss, were all supposed come, but everyone is shitty and has social lives, so only one girl from my painting class came. She was awesome though, and I had a really nice night. Here's some crap from a week ago, before my friend's birthday party, from last night at Mercury Lounge, from tonight at Second Cup, and from a few days ago at Five Cents. Scribbledeebop. I am so full of English muffins. Holy.
Forgot my sketchbook tonight, drew on paper towels while I was supposed to be working. It says 'my faaaaaaace' because my coworker said 'my faaaaaace' right while I was deciding what to write beside this guy. I got nothin.

Preeeeetty sure this hand is drawn incorrectly. Or like. It doesn't really make sense, anyway. I can't figure out exactly what's going wrong with it, but I'd hazard a guess that something went wonky around the thumb fat area. Anyway. Cobra swan. I don't know, I feel like maybe there was a point to this drawing before I started it, but then I lost it somewhere along the way, realized I drew the same bird face I ALWAYS do, and abandoned this thing. Moving along.

This guy was a wolf, apparently, and this girl actually had clothes on but I am a pervert, so this is what happened. Sorry for the shitty photo, but I'm tired and used the flash and now it looks like her vag is leaking radioactive graphite. If I had a scanner, none of this would happen. Oh she actually had no feet in real life too. Crazy.

This is Kim being awesome at the Mercury Lounge. I can't for the life of me remember what the hell we were talking about, probably because all I can focus on when I look at this is 'everything are' [orly?], and how my drunk writing doesn't even look like my writing at all.

This was a very quick birthday present for my friend Miranda. She is a little morbid and I love it. Note to self: do not draw birthday presents ten minutes before having to leave the house to go to the party, and do not consume tequila before starting the drawing. I'm noticing a theme of being drunk in this post. Sorry mum. I really don't drink much, it's just this post I swear.

HEY LOOK i dressed like a girl. You can't see, but I'm wearing a skirt. I swear. HEY LOOK naked conehead! I actually finished that today. I'll post pictures one day soon.

And now I leave you with this one very precious gem of advice: 1 minute gesture poses are WAY the fuck easier to draw when you've had a bottle of wine and some beer. Just saying. HEY remember that time I broke my ass again from sitting here posting shit at midnight? Right, that time was right now. Peaaaaaaaacies. Like pisces.

1 comment:

  1. MAN it's just a mind-blowing concept... how can you turn something that is contained inside out?? Like pants... if you could turn them inside out with you're legs still in them WHERE WOULD YOUR LEGS GO? This is also why I think the people of Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker should be my best friends.
