Monday, March 21, 2011

Okay I know this isn't visual art-related, but it is relevant to me.
If I run into one more person from a local band that we used to play with and they ask me if I'm still playing shows and I have to say no, I'm going to stab my own face in.
Since The Epilogue broke up, I haven't played a real show myself and I'm losing my mind about it. Last show was in May of 2010. What the hell.

I figure if I say it in somewhat public that I've resolved to finally record my own record, instead of just saying it to myself every few weeks, I'll actually get off my ass and do it.
So if you are reading this, you are a witness, and if you haven't heard about a record being released by the end of this year, you have permission to hit me in the face if you see me.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you know I will actually hit you in the face. I can slap a bitch pretty good.
